Worship Times
Sundays: 10:30 AM
Bible Study
Tuesdays: 7:30 on Zoom

Pastor L. Frazier White II, Ph.D.
Rev. Dr. L. Frazier White, II is the husband of Lady Danette White. Together they are the proud parents of three adult children; Lionel Frazier III, Candice Dayana, and Morgan Dasia.
At his very core, he is a preacher of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, sharing the good news with a desperate world. He is a fourth-generation Pentecostal preacher on both his paternal and maternal lines. He is a son of the United Holy Church of America.
He obtained a Ph.D. in Organizational Leadership from Regent University (2023). He received a Master of Arts in Christian Counseling from Oral Roberts University School of Theology and Missions in 1994. He holds a B.S. in Communications from Morgan State University (1991), his forever alma mater. In the spring of 2013, he completed the Executive Leadership program for Pastors at the Howard University School of Business. He has also been greatly blessed to have completed the DeVos Urban Leadership Initiative training in 2011 where he served as Washington, D.C. City Coordinator for the program.
He is the pastor of Faith Tabernacle UHCA and was formerly the pastor of Faith Temple UHCA until the uniting of the two churches in 2010. He is also the President and Executive Director of Faith for the City, Inc.
His passion is preaching, teaching, and developing leaders. He is an avid sports enthusiast, foodie, and music lover (especially of old-school go-go). When not enjoying his family, he can be found shopping for shoes.